The candidate Macron will therefore have succeeded in finding the flaw in the cesspool of a technocratized policy making Machiavelli an altar boy.
By linking Marine Le Pen to a loan made in Russia, defining an undesirable political partner as her banker, the president killed two birds with one stone. Associating the name of Le Pen with that of Putin and showing the inconsistency of a nationalist candidate, seeking funds abroad from unsavory people.
All this against the backdrop of the war in Ukraine, a war rejected by the majority of public opinion and a Vladimir Putin considered by a large amount of French people and the political class as a dictator. An uppercut or a low blow that Marine Le Pen will have taken from the second round.
By dropping this bomb after about ten minutes, the president ensured that a large audience would still be present in front of the TV screen and that the message would not escape anyone. The candidate of The Rassemblement National will not recover.
Game over. The president will therefore remain at the Elysée.
The third round is already looming on the horizon. Will the legislative elections give the majority to Macron’s party, so that he can continue his policy?
The fragmented political landscape and a latent social discontent do not seem to be going in this direction and could well redraw the boundaries of an executive prey to the loneliness of a long-distance runner.

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