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The Madison’s Library

The Madison Library welcomes all authors, no matter who they are, where they come from, published or not.
The shelves of this brand new stall await their thoughts to make this place reflect a world in perpetual motion.

Serge Grad


It is across the Rhine River, a few kilometers from the town of Goethe, during forums devoted to French culture, and several stays in New Orleans, that Serge Grad will begin to write what will become Rêves Cathodiques. 

It was not until he found himself in the shade of the flowering mangroves, under the Mexican sun, after having recorded three albums with the Gumbo Square Band, and founded SG Humanitarian Consortium that the book was born at the dawn of a pandemic where suffering continues, still shaking our planet today. 

His book will take you from one continent to another, recounting and describing a world at the gates of a Third Millennium that our Western societies today have already forgotten.


Alors que l’humanité plonge dans un nouveau monde, Rêves Cathodiques vous invite à remonter le temps pour vous retrouver à l’aube du troisième millénaire.
Témoignage d’un passé révolu, mais ancré dans la mémoire collective et dans le cœur de ceux qui aimeraient tant que le temps marque une pause avant d’atteindre le point de

As humanity plunges into a new world, Rêves Cathodiques invites you to step back in time to the dawn of the third millennium.
A testimony to a bygone era, anchored in the collective memory and in the hearts of those who would so much like time to pause before reaching the point of no return.


Rêves Cathodiques is part of Mirages Artisans.