Transfer of Power or a Bipolarization of the Planet?

Yesterday a pandemic, today a war becoming over the days the cause of an economic and food crisis. An announced climate change with disastrous consequences annihilating entire populations. Banking crises and stock market crashes, serial droughts, famine, a world on the brink.

Even more, in a pernicious way, the atomization of minds, the disintegration of family and societal values in favor of a new order where humans are at the mercy of an elite dominating the world.

The serpent is in the egg.

The various events we attend are only the result of meticulously organized planning and relayed by the complacency of the media. Distorted information where the expression fake news has become commonplace to the point that it slips into the midst of untruths without anyone suspecting that it is the truth itself.

We have entered a new era where health, economic, social and environmental crises will follow one another without interruption in order to enslave the world population and eradicate part of it.

The World Economic Forum has become the epicenter of unparalleled power, demonstrating without ambiguity that today’s world belongs to it and that yesterday’s elected officials are only the representatives of these new masters who use their power to erect an unprecedented dictatorial policy.

An autocracy with indefinite contours, dividing the populations, so that they tear each other apart and that in the most total indifference they can continue to shape their designs.

A new hierarchy with a vague identity, but which bears a name and claims a discreet power, is much more dangerous than that of the fallen empires, because invisible and in multiple forms.

A power that is content only to observe situations created by itself.

A sprawling open-air power, possessing “the virus and the antidote”, casting opprobrium on all those who do not want to bow down, abdicate and who continue to fight it, even if the perversity of this predator gives populations a sculptural and distorted image of their opponents that the mirrors of Babylon cannot receive, thus bursting in a deafening big bang, scattering to all winds the fragments of this resistance without a future.

A mutation which has only just begun, but which has already changed the face of the world. A new era where armies of Don Quixote will have to cross endless deserts, in search of nothingness and run after a shadow, preach the good word under the stone thrown by their fellows who will not want to hear them.

Humanity nazified in a painless way by an arachnid having woven its web in the darkness, thus letting its prey run out of breath before devouring it in a silence that only the dead will be able to hear.

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