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The Madison’s Corner

The Madison’s Corner is a space dedicated to those whose pen could change the trajectory of a world that vacillates, but of a world that still wants to dream, a world where the challenges of tomorrow are more real than ever, and don’t eclipse at all derision, the awakening of consciousness, the desire to discover, to live, quite simply. Join us to write together the chapters of a story that has only just begun …

Protest in France: Day 3

Urban protests are shifting to the rural world. Violent incidents broke out in the Province. The movement expands. Even students from the University of Paris-Tolbiac

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After Iran, diplomatic negotiations between Saudi Arabia and Syria are said to be underway. Are we witnessing a normalization in the Middle East? A pacification

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Brussels Or Babel?

Macron late to Brussels due to demonstrations in France. Italian PM Meloni bucks the tide. Orban in Sweden’s sights. Tension between Germany and France. Disagreement

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A Presidential Requiem

Macron’s presidency had just begun when he put down the yellow vests. He had the French´s support and the majority in parliament. Today he lost

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The Calm Before The Storm

By describing the demonstrators as rebels, Macron wants to stigmatize them to justify the repression that the authorities will use to crush the movement. His

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Was It Worth It?

The meeting between Putin and Xi Jinping is a success. The two countries have put NATO under observation and signed an agreement concerning The Siberia

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Avoid Dark Alleys

The Parliament did not approve the dismissal of The PM. The Executive will therefore continue to validate Macron’s policy and support the pension reform law.

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LePen On The Sidelines

Pension Reform and 49.3. Macron said the pension reform law has been passed and that he will not back down. The executive and the demonstrators

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The BRICS Machine

King Salman’s invitation sent to President Raisi for a meeting in Ryad is historic. Westerners seem overwhelmed by these new alliances. The possible arrest of

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